Brazilians are investing in a strong and fierce marketing campaign to promote their national spirit, cachaça, the main ingredient of Caipirinha, in the United States. […]
Author: Sofia Perpetua
U.S. trade deficit narrows as oil imports fall in February
The U.S. trade gap narrowed in February as oil imports fell to their lowest level since March 1996 while exports increased slightly, the Commerce Department […]
If signed, the US-EU FTA might not benefit agriculture in the United States
Chlorine-washed poultry, hormone-fed cattle and genetically modified foods–everyday products in the US— are nowhere to be found in Europe. These cultural differences could torpedo negotiations […]
U.S. Trade Deficit increases despite Economic Recovery
The U.S. trade deficit widened in January, reflecting an increase in demand for imported oil. The trade gap widen to $44.45 billion, a 16.5 percent […]